Through the process of this chapter, learn the common equipments of conveying coal, removing slag and dust, grasp their working principles and characteristics. 通过本章学习,了解常用的运煤、除渣和除尘设备,掌握它们的工作原理及特点。
Application of high-efficiency& energy-saving fan coal mill on slag micro-powder production line 高效节能型风扇煤磨在矿渣微粉生产线上的应用
Rorary drum dryer, also know rotary drum dryer, it widely used in building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry, cement industry drying slag limestone, coal, slag, clay and other materials. 转筒烘干机,也叫转筒干燥机,它广泛应用于建材、冶金、化工、水泥工业烘干矿渣石灰石、煤粉、矿渣、粘土等物料。
Effect of Burn coal desulfurized Slag on agronomy index and yield of Oil Sunflower on Saline-alkali Land 施用燃煤脱硫废弃物对盐碱地油葵农艺指标及产量的影响
Determination of trace tantalum in stone coal slag with flow injection-ion exchange separation and preconcentration-spectrophotometry; 研究了流动注射在线离子交换预富集及在线氢化物发生法与原子荧光光谱法的联用技术。
Survey on Natural Radiation of Coal Ash and Slag in Xiaolongtan Power Plant 小龙潭电厂煤灰渣天然放射性调查研究
Production of aeroconcrete block by using powdered coal and carbide slag 利用粉煤灰和电石渣生产加气混凝土砌块
Technology of Gypsum-coal Slag Hollow Brick 石膏煤渣空心砖的试验研究
Discussion on the production of hollow fired bricks by coal slag in lignite open-pit mine 露天矿煤矸石生产烧结空心砖初探
Behavior of Coal Slag and Refractory in Coal Gasification Environment II 、 Equilibrium Relations in Systems Composed of Coal Slag and Refractory 煤灰渣及其与耐火材料在煤气化环境中的行为Ⅱ、煤灰渣与耐火材料的相平衡
Coal ash slag wettability on Cr_2O_3-Al_2O_3-ZrO_2 bricks and its penetration behavior 煤灰渣在Cr2O3-Al2O3-ZrO2砖表面润湿与渗入行为的研究
Path of Use Coal Ash Slag 煤灰渣开发利用的途径
Study on the preparation and application of a polysilicate aluminium ( PSA) coagulant with coal gangue slag 煤矸石灰渣研制聚硅酸铝混凝剂及应用研究
Composition and structure of high purity mgo-cr_2o_3 materials controlling penetration of molten coal slag 高纯Mgo-Cr2O3材料组成和结构对煤熔渣渗透的控制
A biological oxidation method for wastewater treatment with coal slag as filler 以煤渣为填料的生物接触氧化法处理污水
The gasification of coal slurry is operated under high temperature, high pressure and strong reduction atmosphere. The components of gas and molten coal slag corrode the refractories severely and damage the refractories. 水煤浆气化是在高温、高压、强还原气氛下操作的,其气体成分及煤熔渣成分对耐火材料产生严重的侵蚀和损毁。
Microstructure of Fine Coal Ash Slag and Experiment Comparison of Carbon Removal Methods 粉煤灰的微观结构与脱炭方法的实验比较
Automatic Coal Slag Removal System of Coal Gasification Station with Multiple Coal Gas Producers 多台炉煤气站自动除渣系统
This paper presents current status and main fields of engineering utilization of coal slag, and gives opinions on tapping China's potential for increasing coal slag utilization. 文中介绍了国内外煤矸石综合利用现状及工程利用的主要领域,并就如何提高我国煤矸石工程利用水平提出作者的观点。
Coal, slag and fly ashes were sampled from a 300 MW utility boiler. The concentration of mercury, arsenic in these samples and the particle size distribution of the fly ash were determined. 对某300MW燃煤电厂锅炉进行煤、渣、飞灰取样后,测定煤和燃烧产物中汞和砷的含量,研究了电除尘四个电场飞灰中汞与砷的分布特点。
Through mixing a little unburnt pulverized coal in slag, the decrease of adhesion and melting temperature of slag was got. 对未燃煤粉进入炉渣进行了粘度测定,测定结果表明:极少量的未燃煤粉进入炉渣炉渣有稀释作用,使炉渣粘度及熔化性温度下降。
Using coal gangue slag, a new polysilicate aluminium ( PSA) coagulant was prepared, by which the dyeing and steelworks dusting wastewater were treated. 利用煤矸石灰渣制取聚硅酸铝(PSA)混凝剂以及利用PSA混凝剂处理印染和钢厂除尘废水。
The silk dyeing wastewater are decolorized with coacervation-adsorption method in which coagulant are ferrous sulfate and adsorbent is coal slag. 用以硫酸亚铁为凝聚剂、聚丙烯酰胺为助凝剂、煤渣吸附的凝聚吸附法对烟台丝绸印染厂的废水进行了处理。
Summary of Study of Coal Slag Activation 燃煤灰渣活性研究综述
The results of these researches can provide theoretical basis for coal ash slag mechanisms and can provided reference and guidance for the designs of refractory belts and the slagging prevention technologies of utility boiler. 本文的实验研究结果可以为后续的研究煤在耐火材料上的结渣机理工作提供充足的理论依据,为电厂卫燃带设计和防结渣技术提供具有工程应用价值的参考和指导。
It was verified in a experimental membrane wall gasifier by using diesel, coal and slag as fuel, and the results showed that the probe could measure the furnace temperature accurately. And the method is suit for the gasifier temperature measurement. 在实验室小型水冷壁气化炉内用柴油、煤粉和渣粉多种介质对高温测量探头及其温度测量公式进行了验证。结果表明此方法能够较准确的测量炉膛温度,适合气化炉内高温测量。
Many scholars have done a lot of researches and obtained some practical results on resource utilization of weathered coal and steel slag. 许多学者已对风化煤和钢渣的资源化利用做了大量研究,并取得了一些实际应用成果。
Coal slag also became the production of industrial solid waste in one of the largest waste. 燃煤炉渣也成为我国工业固体废弃物中产量最大的废渣之一。
Weathered coal and steel slag are typical industrial solid wastes in our country. 风化煤和钢渣是我国典型的工业固体废弃物。